

To widen our horizon of medical expertise and to do something towards a healthier society we began with the Annual Medical Screening (medical check-up) program for school children in the year 2011. The aim was to create health awareness at early age and thus to create healthy individuals.

By god’s grace schools were welcoming being doctors we always felt that just an annual medical screening (medical checkup) was not a solution. So to make these annual medical screening programs more effective, we started consulting parents after the screening .This helped the parents to understand things better. As we were communicating with parents we realized there were a lot more to do other than just an annual medical screening. This gave lead to the idea of having workshops for teachers and parents. Both teachers and parents deal with children and their various day to day issues. To give it total professional approach we roped in experts to address both the parties. The results were promising. Over the time we realized that even children at their end needed a lot of counselling and guidance. Thus an entire comprehensive program was designed to deal with children holistically. That is with physical fitness, psychological fitness was need of the hour. So was designed our entire program compromising of medical  screening with detailed real time report ,comprehensive and summative report, Parents consultation, Workshops for Students, Parents and teachers.

To make annual medical screening very precise, we developed our app sehaat jaanch which helped to reduce the paper work ,give real time report, n summative report and data compiling.

Not only this, we also started first aid training for these little make them at par with their western counterparts which too was very satisfying.

Working over the years relentlessly in improving our children holistic health along with equipping teachers and parents with tool of a better understanding  to deal day to day issues has made this program worthwhile our efforts.

At this juncture we realized that working parents are youngsters are facing tremendous pressure due multitasking and performance pressure and other challenges hence we designed a medical program for the corporates which includes tailor made medical checkup in the company premises, workshops on how to vent pressure and stay the same time corporates too were given first aid training .we are further expanding our wings and designing medical rooms for corporates too.

We believe it is duty of everybody to do something to improve the society. We are glad that we too are doing our bit to serve our society.

Journey is still long and lot more digitalization has to be done, work for which is streamlined. There is no end to it, regular updating will keep on happening to make us work more efficiently. As per the time demands we will keep on working for betterment of the society and creating a healthier world.